Patna to Samastipur Cab Booking

₹2,200.00 ₹2,400.00 Your save 8% off
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Patna to Samastipur Cab - All You Need to Know

Need a Patna to Samastipur cab? Here, you'll pay one price that covers everything, even the tolls and extra fees. This way, with no surprises, you know exactly what you are paying before you start your trip.

Is this your first time visiting Bihar? Well, you must know that Bihar is not for beginners!

When you are already in Bihar, consider visiting the state capital, Patna. Do you need help in finding a good Patna to Samastipur cab?

Consider booking it from us. But why us?

Because you don’t have to share the cab at very affordable rates!

Let’s look at all the other features that we can offer if you consider a Patna to Samastipur booking with us!

Patna to Samastipur cab Fare

Cab Type 8 Hours Extra Km
Dzire Rs.2400 Rs. 11/Km
Triber Rs.2600 Rs. 13/Km
Ertiga Rs.2800 14/Km
Scarpio Rs.3000 15/Km
Innova Rs.3200 16/Km
Crysta Rs.3600 18/Km

Patna to Samastipur cab distance - 90Km Kilometer will count from office address. Extra Toll Tax & Parking

All the Benefits of Our Patna to Samastipur Cab

The best thing about the Patna to Samastipur service is that it's set up so you can save money by only paying for the drop-off. The Patna to Samastipur cab booking promises to send a taxiright to your door at the time you pick. It's totally safe, reliable and something you won’t regret paying for!

Do you have questions after booking your trip from Patna to Samastipur? No worries! Our helpline is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Also we are ready to provide cab service in Patna

For those seeking an all-inclusive fixed fare, an assured cab, and round-the-clock customer support, Patna to Samastipur cab is a dependable and practical choice that guarantees a hassle-free travel experience.


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More Information
Services Type Cab
Cab From Patna
Cab To Samastipur
Cab Pickup Location Patna
Cab Space 4 seater
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