Patna To Sitamarhi Cab Taxi Booking
Use to book cab from Patna/Patna Airport/Patna Junction to Sitamarhi. BiharTrip book cabs to almost bihar all cities from Patna or Patna Airport or Patna Railway Station in convenient and comfortable cabs. We guarantee you will experience the best possible travel with bihartrip.
Secure, Competent and Convenient Cab Service from Patna to Sitamarhi
We will always ask for your preferred pickup point at mutually convenient day & time. We note all your preferences while you order so that there is no inconvenience. You can have your say on booking an SUV, Sedan or Hatch. If you wish to take a small halt, you can easily do so.
Travel Time for Travelling from Patna/Airport to Sitamarhi
The distance from Patna to Sitamarhi is around 135 km whereas from Patna Airport is 140 km. The time to travel varies from 3.5 to 4.5 hours depending on traffic, weather conditions and the stops you take in the entourage.
Fare for Taxi Service from Patna/Patna Airport to Sitamarhi
We charge the minimum of Rs 11/- per km, which is the cheapest amongst all other cab booking agencies. For different car models, the price varies. Advance booking gets you discount, so hurry.
Cab Booking at Festivals and Holidays for Sitamarhi
There is a huge rush on festivals and holidays. We request you to contact Bihartrip at the earliest so we can book you in advance. This also helps you choose the best vehicle for your travel.
Places of Tourist Interest in Sitamarhi
You can visit Sita Temple Sitamarhi, Janaki Sthan Mandir and Punaura Dham - Ma Janaki Janm Bhoomi, Mata Vaishnao Devi Mandir, Bagahi Math, Bagahi Dham,Ranjitpur while going to Sitamarhi.
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Services Type | Cab |
Cab From | Patna |
Cab To | Sitamarhi |